Does your business turn over less than $1 million? Over the last 8 years working with businesses of all sizes, we’ve identified a list of questions to see whether you are at the stage where you could benefit from having an offsite firm like ours doing your accounts…
Have a read through and ask yourself:

1. Do you find yourself doing bookwork on a weekend or late in the evenings?
2. Do you run a non-computerised accounts system?
3. Do you have paper all over your desk including invoices and receipts?
4. Do you use your bank balance as the only guide to how well your business is going?
5. Do you feel you are often guessing as to what the rules are on how you should allocate various expenses?
6. Do you have continual frustrations with the inventory management inside your business?
7. Do you find that your business struggles with cash flow because you don’t have enough hours in the day to work on sales and ‘business improvement’?
8. Do you run out of time to review your business’ financial performance at the end of each month?
9. Is your time worth more than $75 per hour?

If you answered yes to any of these questions above, then it’s pretty obvious that you could benefit from our services…it’s at least worth a call to see how we can help!

The Finance Dept is a Brisbane-based accounts outsourcing firm utilising qualified accountants at a fraction of the cost of an in-house accounts team for your business. We are an offsite (not offshore) alternative to having an in-house accounts team or financial controller.

Call 1300 855 721 or click here to see if you should take your accounts offsite.

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